Heat makes me sick. Literally. When it’s too hot, I get squirrelly. I throw up. Or pass out. Or, I just sit around moaning and feeling sorry for myself, like I might throw up at any minute.
People think it doesn’t get hot where I live. Whether or not that’s true depends on what you consider hot. To me, hot is anything over 74 degrees. No, I’m not kidding. I like heat under the following conditions: poolside, with a margarita in hand.
The Hun is an HVAC guy. Meaning? He knows everything there is to know about heating, ventilation and air conditioning that there is to know. In my opinion, at least. He knows waaaayyyy more than me (which isn’t hard!) but he really does know how the systems work. Apparently, this also translates into knowledge about water heaters and furnaces. Even though he is a an absolute scrooge about everything, The Hun is generous to a fault. He is always the first person people call for help when it’s Sahara hot or Arctic cold. I feel like an absolute shrew any time I have to ask him to fix something around the house, let alone ask him more than once.
So, when shit breaks I usually just let it go…unless is affects my health or sanity. Unfortunately there have been two such cases in recent history involving what I consider to be essential services: Air and Water. The Hun grew up on well water.
May 19, 2015
Pretty sure the thermostat is in fact NOT cooling as it says it is. I’m not a fan of saunas, especially in my own house! Ughhh!
Mollie Lesh Hammar Ummm yeah Meghan King Borden & Mike Rogers that’s the problem. The expert’s opinion is that it sounds like the thermostat is bad. Really?!? I sent him the pic in a text & an e-mail, but haven’t heard back. Talk about crappy customer service! wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 3 · May 19, 2015 at 9:07pm